Randil Wijayananda — Earth Space Science Project — 2A
Randil Wijayananda — Earth Space Science 2A

Interesting Sights

Martian Museum

An outdoor museum with 12 enormous volcanoes to explore. Tour the most intense volcano and the youngest shield volcano in the solar system at the Martian Museum.

Visit Mars
Visit Mars


Relax and socialize at the universally famous amusement park, Perspectopia. Enjoy various activities from roller coasters to nightly fireworks.

Dust Surfing

Mars contains the largest dust storms in the universe. Mountains of dust for you to surf during your tour.

Visit Mars
Visit Mars

The North And South Poles

Stop at the North Pole to explore the mostly covered water ice and solid carbon dioxide, unlike anything you've seen before. At the South Pole, explore dune fields, the polar ice cap, and layered terrains. You'll also experience dust storms that start in the south polar region.

Visit Mars
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